Exclusive FREE Training
Learn how to scale to $50k months without endless sales calls, the constant hustle, or exhaustive live launches. Learn How 
EVERYTHING you need to build and grow a profitable, scalable, and sustainable 6-figure online business without constant live launching, sales calls, paid ads, or a big team.
EVERYTHING you need to build and grow a profitable, scalable, and sustainable 6-figure online business without constant live launching, sales calls, paid ads, or a big team.
WHAT'S INCLUDED           WHO IT'S FOR          BRENDA'S STORY         FAQ          APPLY NOW
Unlock next-level success
and consistent five-figure months with a proven framework to help you package and sell your courses and programs.
Repeatable Sales Engines
Create a powerful evergreen system to enroll your ideal clients into your programs and courses on autopilot. Design strategic paid lead generation offers that drive traffic, serve your audience, and seamlessly lead to you hitting and exceeding your goals.
Soulful CEO Mindset
Cultivate the mindset of an empowered CEO who embraces her wholeness, serves deeply and creates wealth. Release the blocks and make the paradigm shifts to create momentum, achieve your goals, and unleash your ultimate potential.
Community + Support
Once you lay the foundation, you’ll be ready to soar. Achieve your goals faster and easier with support from our team and a community of women leaders who get you, cheer you on, and share their knowledge to expedite your success journey.
You're a coach. A consultant. A course creator. You love what you do and have a message to share.
You're just getting started and don’t have a roadmap to attract clients, create strategic offers, and convert leads consistently
You’ve made some progress but feel like you got here by "winging it" and now you don't know how to scale
You created and set up your offers but people aren’t buying them, and you can’t figure out what to do next
You love what you do, but not having enough clients and inconsistent sales have you questioning everything, including quitting
You know you have what it takes to help others, but your lack of confidence, negative self-talk, and impostor syndrome are making it impossible to make progress
You're ready for more
You’re done playing small and are ready to build a legacy and want a clear strategy to make it happen.
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You’re ready for a proven system that allows you to grow your business with predictable evergreen revenue streams
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You're ready for a business that lights you up
This is where we come in.
Does any of this sound about right?
You'd finally turn that idea swirling around in your head into a high-impact course or program and deliver it like a boss
You’d infuse your offers with a bit of high-touch magic and transform them into high-ticket programs (it’s easier than you might think)
You'd be excited to invite people to join your courses and programs because you know your offers are game-changers and get results
You’d refocus your energy to simplify and systematize every aspect of your business to accomplish more by doing less
You'd free up your calendar by designing an easy-breezy 4-day work week with CEO-time built-in so you can have plenty of time to focus on your vision, family, fun, and wellbeing
Welcome to the aligned way of doing business
where opportunities are endless, and you’re in charge.
There's never been a better time for women to build online empires.

Today, a simple idea and a stable internet connection can be enough to change the course of history and build a legacy.

People are scouring the internet for solutions, and they're willing to pay for them.  All you have to do is know your stuff, craft offers that deliver, show up, and make it happen.

And it all starts with your willingness and commitment to birth your dream business into reality.
There's never been a better time for women to build online empires.

Today, a simple idea and a stable internet connection can be enough to change the course of history and build a legacy.

People are scouring the internet for solutions, and they're willing to pay for them.  All you have to do is know your stuff, craft offers that deliver, show up, and make it happen.

And it all starts with your willingness and commitment to birth your dream business into reality.
Soulful Business Revolution is priceless for its extreme relevance, resonance, and connection personally/to myself (and hence my business). By starting within, and with Brenda rooting for you each and every single step of the way, the changes are truly transformative.  I am so grateful for the continued abundance and prosperity that keeps flowing to me as I open up to allowing and receiving. And a big part of that is how much "safer" I feel, how much more aligned I am, and how congruent I feel. As Brenda has mentioned, it is simple - not always easy, but simple, effective, and practical.  It really is transformative - and the claim is real!
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What if you could
accelerate your online business growth and make it happen in less than 12 months in a way that elevated your life along with your bank account?
Are you ready to revolutionize the way you do business?

Soulful Business Revolution is specifically designed for purpose-driven, soulful women who are ready to embrace their gifts and commit to playing BIG and creating wealth by serving deeply through their online businesses.

Suppose you’ve been looking for a mentor who’ll guide you every step of the way, support you, cheer you on, and give you personalized feedback when you need it.

In that case, you’re in the right place…  because Soulful Business Revolution was created for entrepreneurial women just like you.
Here's how Soulful Business Revolution works:
You’ll build a solid foundation by getting lucidly clear about who your ideal clients are, how you can best serve them, how you want to show up in your business, and the ideal online business model to make it happen.
Use life-changing NLP-based mindset and self-healing techniques to eliminate the core mental and emotional blocks standing in the way of your growth, personal evolution, and success. These techniques work at an unconscious level — making meaningful change surprisingly quick, and easy.
You’ll learn a practical and effective content marketing strategy to drive organic traffic to your website, build your list, and generate leads organically without paid ads or spending hours on social media.
Design a varied offer suite with evergreen funnels that lead to your very own irresistible high-ticket offer that your ideal clients will drool over and buy like clockwork.
Systematize, automate and delegate — then slip into your CEO Lululemons and sip on organic kombucha as the Stripe payment notifications roll in.
Deliver your programs like a boss — show up for your clients with confidence, help them transform in targeted ways, and make the impact you’re here to make (#bestlife).
You’ve officially set up to exponentially elevate every aspect of your business and life because around here we don’t waste time on the fluffy stuff. We do the work and achieve what we want, together.
Here's how Soulful Business Revolution works:
You’ll build a solid foundation by getting lucidly clear about who your ideal clients are, how you can best serve them, how you want to show up in your business, and the ideal online business model to make it happen.
Use life-changing NLP-based mindset and self-healing techniques to eliminate the core mental and emotional blocks standing in the way of your growth, personal evolution, and success. These techniques work at an unconscious level — making meaningful change surprisingly quick, and easy.
You’ll learn a practical and effective content marketing strategy to drive organic traffic to your website, build your list, and generate leads organically without paid ads or spending hours on social media.
Design a varied offer suite with evergreen funnels that lead to your very own irresistible high-ticket offer that your ideal clients will drool over and buy like clockwork.
Systematize, automate and delegate — then slip into your CEO Lululemons and sip on organic kombucha as the Stripe payment notifications roll in.
Deliver your programs like a boss — show up for your clients with confidence, help them transform in targeted ways, and make the impact you’re here to make (#bestlife).
You’ve officially set up to exponentially elevate every aspect of your business and life because around here we don’t waste time on the fluffy stuff. We do the work and achieve what we want, together.
Brenda continues to awaken a very beautiful place within me, one that has been there all along but kept hidden by different roles I “professionally” played.  Soulful Business Revolution keeps developing specific soulful entrepreneurial qualities and making me more effective as a business owner from a soulful level. It has changed the way I look at things and I am excited to realize my entrepreneurial aspirations. Once I peeled back the layers and worked on my mindset and eliminated the limiting beliefs my relationships and revenue skyrocketed to....$115,000+ revenue in 1.5 months!!
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Your Soulful Business Revolution
Structured Curriculum, Training, & Resources
Access all of our programs including business, sales and mindset trainings, blueprints, strategies,  content, templates, and downloads in your private program portal for you to experience at your own pace.
Coaching, Mentoring 
You have the opportunity to attend Momentum Maker Workshops up tp three times a week, weekly business coaching, co-working, and Q&A, NLP training reviews, structured personal breakthroughs, and more.
Support & Community
Take advantage of Profit Lab feedback and offer audits, co-working time, twice-monthly office hours, group Voxer support, and celebration chats to get your questions answered, and celebrate with your peers.
The Six Phases Of Your Soulful Business Framework
During the 12-month program, you will likely experience each of the six phases below more than once as you create a success path that works for you. You will have the tools to execute your strategic plan and gain clarity and confidence as you implement what you learn. We’ll be there to support you every step of the way!
Step One
Your Business Vision
Here’s the opportunity to crystalize the vision for your online business. Discover what’s driving you to build this specific business now, the impact you want to make, and the tangible outcomes you expect in return.
Step Two
Soulful CEO Mindset
The key to soulful business success is to adopt the mindset that aligns with the success you’re after. You’ll have the tools to get the mindset upgrade that creates the momentum and magic that leads to results.
Step Three
Solid Foundation
Your elevated mindset comes with fresh perspective and opens the doors to new ideas and opportunities. It’s time to design a plan of action to attract your ideal clients, craft your offers and refine your business model.
Step Four
Your Repeatable Sales Engine
With your plan of action in hand, now it’s time to craft, price, and position your offer and build your evergreen sales machine to automate sales, serve more people in less time, and consistently increase revenue.
Step Five
Systematizing Your Business
The right business systems is the key to scaling to the next level and will maximize your time, energy, and revenue to grow your online business. You’ll design systems so you can work “on” your business instead of “in” it.
Step Six
+ Support
From day 1, you’ll have our team and a community of Soulful CEOs to get answers to your questions, receive insightful guidance, tips, shortcuts, and support you to stay on track, create momentum, and make it happen.
We’re here to support you every step of the way.
Our mission is to help you embody your Soulful CEO identity, build a profitable online business that runs on autopilot and live your best life.
NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming incorporates the most significant components involved in our experience: neurology, language, and programming.

The neurological system regulates how the body functions, language determines how we interact and communicate with ourselves and others, and our programming dictates how we show up in the world.

NLP is the study of human excellence, and when applied to business, NLP is one of the most reliable and results-oriented growth tools available. Used by the world’s elite and top performers (Like Tony Robbins and Oprah Winfrey), these tools can support you on the fast track to reaching your highest potential.

The beauty of NLP is that it puts you back in control of your thinking and emotions.

Inside this 12-month mentorship, coaching, and training program, you’ll have all the tools and strategies to develop a success mindset, design a thriving business, and make a BIG impact.
The Revolution Program is so much more than I expected it to be. There is a ton of content that is relevant, transformational, and thought-provoking for radical changes within my mindset that are positively affecting every area of my life. Brenda gets to the point challenges you,  shows you the core issue and guides you to the solution. She makes sure you understand before moving on to the next idea. She is extremely thorough and is compassionate and welcoming to everyone.   I love The Money Brain Blueprint, For the Love of Money, Hypnosis, Let it Go Coaching, and Soulful Surrender. Each of these in-depth programs is transformational.  My focus, mindset, attitude, and outlook for myself and my business have shifted after releasing negative beliefs, limiting emotions, and decisions. I feel totally supported in this program. The feeling of being supported gives me the courage to challenge myself as I'm creating success in my business.  Honestly, Revolution is an incredible program. Do it now, you'll be so glad that you did.
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What You Get Inside
12-month access to the Soulful Business Profit Lab™

2-3 Momentum Maker Workshops each week

Weekly Soulful Business Profit Lab™ sessions for coaching, co-working, and Q&A

Monthly offer audits

NLP training

Unlimited Group Voxer Support

Onboarding strategy call

Templates and swipe files

Workshops, masterclasses, and bonus trainings

And so much more

For Your Mindset
Momentum Maker Workshops
Momentum Maker Workshops to keep your intentions fresh and leverage the momentum, get laser coaching, and support of the group to stay on track.
LIVE Coaching & Q&A
LIVE Coaching & Q&A to get answers to your questions, use NLP techniques to chip away at any perceived limitations, and create momentum.
Mindset Matters Audio Collection
Mindset Matters Audio Collection to get into feel-good states, manage stress, balance your energy, and control your emotions to stay focused and on the abundance and prosperity tracks.
Let It Go Coaching™ Series
Let It Go Coaching™ Series to release negative emotions and eliminate limiting beliefs at an unconscious level. The relief and clarity on the other side are profound.
NLP Personal Breakthrough
NLP Personal Breakthrough is a 90-day life-changing breakthrough program where we’ll use NLP, Let It Go Coaching™ techniques, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping), hypnosis, and more to address the roadblocks standing in the way of your abundance, prosperity, and success.

You can expect to identify where your stuck points are and eliminate them, learn what works for you, and transform in specific and targeted ways.
For Your Business
A simple and effective system to generate consistent revenue in your business by creating strategic content that drives predictable sales results that support a thriving 6-figure business.
Here’s what we’ll do inside Soulful Business Profit Lab™
Clarify your Business Vision to get in tune with what is driving you to build and grow your business, how you want to show up as its leader, the problems you solve, who your ideal client is, and how you want to help them solve their problems.
Build a Solid Foundation to set yourself up for success. This includes your brand strategy and developing a brand message that resonates with your ideal clients, foundational website elements, your social media strategy, content creation, and overall marketing strategy.
Design Your Repeatable Sales Engine, including developing, delivering, and testing lead magnets, email sequences, workflows, funnel formulas, sales pages, launch strategies, webinars, and more.
Measure and Track to refine your systems by tracking KPIs to improve functionality and incorporate the ideal resources for next-level success. You’ll have everything you need to create a single offer or a multi-channel funnel, including the proven strategies, guidance, practical exercises, tools, checklists, and done-for-you templates for branding, SEO, sales copy, email sequences, freebies, funnels, sales strategies, and program launches.
The focus of Soulful Business Profit Lab™ is to simplify how you do business to serve your clients, close sales consistently, and have plenty of time to do other things you love and enjoy.
A simple and effective system to generate consistent revenue in your business by creating strategic content that drives predictable sales results that support a thriving 6-figure business.
Here’s what we’ll do inside Soulful Business Profit Lab™
Clarify your Business Vision to get in tune with what is driving you to build and grow your business, how you want to show up as its leader, the problems you solve, who your ideal client is, and how you want to help them solve their problems.
Build a Solid Foundation to set yourself up for success. This includes your brand strategy and developing a brand message that resonates with your ideal clients, foundational website elements, your social media strategy, content creation, and overall marketing strategy.
Design Your Repeatable Sales Engine, including developing, delivering, and testing lead magnets, email sequences, workflows, funnel formulas, sales pages, launch strategies, webinars, and more.
Measure and Track to refine your systems by tracking KPIs to improve functionality and incorporate the ideal resources for next-level success. You’ll have everything you need to create a single offer or a multi-channel funnel, including the proven strategies, guidance, practical exercises, tools, checklists, and done-for-you templates for branding, SEO, sales copy, email sequences, freebies, funnels, sales strategies, and program launches.
The focus of Soulful Business Profit Lab™ is to simplify how you do business to serve your clients, close sales consistently, and have plenty of time to do other things you love and enjoy.
NLP Training
You’ll have access to an NLP sales certification training program to cultivate a powerful success mindset, dramatically improve communication skills, and develop an effective sales strategy.

NLP Sales School includes sales fundamentals as well as core and advanced NLP language principles, strategies, and models to improve your communication skills and close sales consistently.

And when it comes to coaching, knowing and using NLP will take any coaching modality to the next level.
NLP Training
You’ll have access to an NLP sales certification training program to cultivate a powerful success mindset, dramatically improve communication skills, and develop an effective sales strategy.

NLP Sales School includes sales fundamentals as well as core and advanced NLP language principles, strategies, and models to improve your communication skills and close sales consistently.

And when it comes to coaching, knowing and using NLP will take any coaching modality to the next level.
Hey! I’m Brenda.
In 2016, I was running a business that was literally making me sick. I was working 16+ hours a day with no days off. I had demanding clients who never gave me a second thought.

I had to fight for every win and every dollar I made, and I was exhausted.

I was in adrenal fatigue, I was numbing out with food and alcohol, and my relationships were suffering. I felt utterly alone and unsupported, and life was really hard.
Being determined was my saving grace. I discovered that my problems had nothing to do with my business, or my clients, or all the other people in my life. It was my self-sabotaging behavior that kept me stuck in scarcity, self-doubt, and unworthiness — none of which sets you up for a thriving business. I mean, that just makes sense.

I learned NLP and was floored by how quickly everything turned around. I healed and cleared more emotional pain and mindset blocks in one week than I had in 9 years of therapy.  This is when I decided to change course and become a master coach and trainer of NLP.

Taking my coaching and training business online presented a new set of challenges. I had to learn a new way of doing business that included honing my brand message, identifying my audience and creating content to connect with them, creating systems to sell online, getting comfortable with visibility, and building relationships online.
Making all of this happen was harder than I thought. The process was slow, and the mistakes were many. I created Soulful Business Revolution to help other women like me who want to build and grow their online businesses avoid dead ends, shorten the learning curve and implement strategies that really work.

Now, my business feels ahhhhmaaaazing.  I work with clients I love, and I use this framework to help them double, triple, and even 15X their income with much more ease and freedom.

What’s more, they’re designing deeply satisfying and fulfilling lives in every way.

Now… I want to help YOU create that kind of feel-good success in your business faster than you ever thought possible.
I've taken everything I've learned from more than 25 years of business experience, assembled a team of experts, and created a model infused with data-driven frameworks and mindset principles that swing the door wide open for limitless success, abundance, self-love, and self-worth.

This is all possible and more, and I can’t wait to show you how.

Soulful Business Revolution is a 12-month unparalleled experience designed for Coaches, Consultants, and Course Creators to align your business with your purpose, develop and execute a solid business strategy, and set you up for ultimate success.

There's a tremendous amount of momentum happening in this group. I've never experienced anything like it. I'm making huge strides toward what I want, and it feels amazing! Entrepreneurship can sometimes be lonely, but with SBR, I feel total support, guidance, encouragement, and camaraderie. I love our weekly group coaching sessions where we share what's going on in our life and business and practice NLP techniques to create new neurological connections.  I love momentum maker four days per week. It really helps me build more consistency in my life and it feels so good. Although we meet often, I discovered that SBR actually gives me more time because the program helps me focus more on doing things that help me accomplish big goals in my business and life. Joining Revolution is one of the best choices I’ve ever made!
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If this sounds like you...
You're a self-motivated go-getter ready to take inspired action
You’re done with quick fixes and are interested in investing more now to win a heckuva lot more later
You have been searching for one ecosystem that has everything you need —from business strategies to mindset— to grow your online business
You’re committed to your success and take total personal responsibility for your results. You know building a successful business takes time and effort and you are solely responsible for how you use every single resource in any program
You want to take your expertise and shift to the online course & high-ticket group coaching model
You’re a coach, consultant, or course creator and need a cohesive marketing system to reach the next level in your business.
You have the online business basics set up like a website, email list, organic content strategy, and social media following, OR you’re willing to do what it takes to make it happen.
You’re ready to roll up your sleeves to create your sales pages, slides, and email sequences along with setting up the corresponding tech, OR are willing to hire someone to help you.
You know that investing time, money, and energy to learn and acquire resources will set you up for exponential success in business and life and you’re eager to do it.
You’re ready and willing to take massive action and do the work to take your business to the next level — because the system works when YOU DO the work
You've got two choices
No. 1
You can stay on the struggle bus, try to figure everything out on your own and piecemeal it without the guidance, training or support. You can keep your fingers crossed and hope it works.
No. 2
You can get the proven strategies and support to elevate your mindset, create a system to automate your sales with evergreen funnels, and build a profitable 6-figure online business.
Think about the goals your set for 2022.

Are you on your way to achieving them? Do you know how you’re going to get there? Do you have a plan you believe in?

You can stop guessing and start making it happen. We’re here to support you every step of the way.
My program experience is great. The 5-day a week connection, coaching, and support have been invaluable. We are a close-knit group, super supportive of each other's journey. Brenda is an over-giver and ultra-available to help with everything. Learning to release negative emotions and limiting beliefs has been most helpful I now have increased awareness leading to being able to elevate my self-mastery. Momentum Maker and the Masterclasses help grow our mindset and my two favorite parts are the coaching calls and being able to ask Brenda anything. There is a lot of help available. All you have to do is come prepared to do the work.
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is about investing in yourself and your business so you can learn to create exactly what you want in business and life… for the rest of your life.
Connect with Us!
Our team is ready to chat with you and answer your questions.

We’d love to know what’s on your mind — questions, concerns, or to share your wins!

Text us anytime at (833) 458-3610

You can find us here on Facebook

You can also follow us and DM us here on Instagram

Why a 12-month program?
From the start of Revolution, we saw firsthand how clients achieved the best results and created lasting transformation. For most, 12 months works best because lasting change requires time and an energetic investment. This program is not about quick fixes; it’s about creating an aligned business to support your legacy. And 80% of Revolution clients re-enroll for Year 2.

Is there a money-back guarantee?
This program is about taking action and you’ll get out what you put in. I guarantee you WILL have the blueprint to get rid of the baggage, dump the limiting money beliefs that have plagued you in the past, and learn how to achieve your biggest goals by applying the cutting-edge techniques of the world’s top performers. If this doesn’t change your life for the better, just let me know within the first 60 days of joining, send your completed work to show you’ve taken action, and you’ll get your money back — no awkwardness.

Can I pay monthly?
Yes you can. We’re happy to offer you a flexible way to invest in this program — you can pay all at once or make payments.

What can I expect from Soulful Business Revolution?
This program is like nothing else available. Expect to attend live (or replays) and watch lessons each week. You’ll get worksheets, audios, and tasks to support your soulful business growth. You’ll have access to the program for 12 months so that you can watch the lessons anytime!

What if I have questions?
I love your questions and this will help everyone learn! You’ll learn from others’ too. You’ll have an opportunity to ask questions in the weekly Q&As and inside the community.

Who is in the community?
Studies show that we learn more by interacting with others and discussing new learning materials. You’ll have the opportunity to connect in a private Facebook group for the whole program. Your Facebook friends won’t be able to see that you’re in the group or what you share inside. The community is a safe space filled with like-minded people to help you get the accountability you need.

I'm not on Facebook? Can I still participate?
Yes! Our Revolution meetings are held on Zoom. You’ll have access to all the trainings, downloads, and Q&A session recordings in our program site. The Facebook community gives you the added benefit of getting to know other big-hearted business owners.

How much time will I need to complete the program?
Allow 4-6 hours per week to review the materials and take action. You’ll also have periodic integration time built into the schedule so that you can catch up and refresh.
Apply now to join us inside Soulful Business Revolution and to access our private, invite-only VIP training exclusively for accepted applicants. In this training, you’ll discover how to set up your business for continuous revenue with evergreen funnels using our Soulful Business Framework.

When your application is accepted, you'll get access to the training where you’ll learn our 5-part framework to drive organic traffic, generate leads, put your offers on evergreen, and grow your online business with consistent revenue streams that run on autopilot. The best part is that you’ll learn how we do it all without expensive ads or exhaustive live launching.

I'll also share important details about Soulful Business Revolution to ensure we’re a fit and that we can help you achieve your fab business goals. Enrollment in Revolution is not required, and you get access to this video training just for being accepted.

Please take a minute to complete the form below so we can learn more about you and see how we can help you. Our intention is to create a cohesive, supportive growth environment inside Soulful Business Revolution. The more you share, the easier it will be for us to determine if Revolution is a fit for all of us.

Big hugs and thank you!

As with any business, your results are your responsibility, and your results depend on your knowledge individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and the level to which you’re willing to learn, implement what you know, test, track and measure. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience or any income. You accept the risk that the earnings and income statements vary by individual.

The use of our information, products, and services should be based on your due diligence, and you agree that the Brenda Terry Co. is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products, and services reviewed or advertised on this Website.
Copyright 2022 Brenda Terry Co