Money Magnet CEO | Money Mindset Training
Too many of us struggle with money. It's time to fix that.

You know there is something standing between you and the money you want in your bank account. But you simply can’t explain it.

You've read the money mindset books, made the vision boards, and meditated your heart out. All in the name of manifesting the success you want. But you still don’t have it, and it's downright disappointing.

Breaking even, scraping by and working hard with little to show for it were not part of the plan. Yet, that's how it is right now.

You wonder if having the money you want and living the life you dream about are even in the cards for you.

Does this look familiar?


You’re frustrated with endlessly spinning your wheels because your 1st, 2nd, 5th, or 10th year in business all look the same.


You're constantly stressing about money and go into negative spirals every time you check your bank balance or pay your bills.


You're stuck in a feast and famine cycle—it feels like money is controlling your life.


You’re working too much in your business and are chronically undercharging for your work for fear of losing clients. 


Your negative self-talk is deafening—it's telling you all the ways you're doing it wrong,  that you're not good enough, and that you're letting your family down.


You want to make a positive impact but wonder how you can help others when it feels like you can't help yourself.  

Your results have been inconsistent for a while, and the truth is that you’re scared.

You want relief but have no idea where to turn. 

None of this is your fault but only you fix it.

I know because I've been there, and I figured out how to heal my relationship with money.

Now, I teach others to heal their relationship with money so that they can build lives and businesses they love.

There's a practical solution to this problem, and it's easier than you might think.

3 Reasons for All
Your Money Problems

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1. You inherited limiting money beliefs.
If you grew up in  scarcity and lack, OR in an environment where money was vilified, idolized, or used to control, then you, my friend, adopted a bunch of those beliefs and created more limiting beliefs in the process.
Most of your money beliefs are unconscious and affecting your decisions and behavior.
Chances are that the money beliefs you grew up with don't align with having a lot of money, making a lot of money, or feeling good about having or making a lot of money. 
2. You get sucked into self-limiting thinking
It's easy to focus on what you want when things are going well. BUT when there isn't enough money, it's easy to get stuck in fear, worry, concern and self-doubt.
The problem is that your focus trains your brain to create more of whatever you're focusing on.
Therefore, unless you learn to shift your focus, entertaining all the reasons for your fear, worry, concern and self-doubt usually leads to conditions that perpetuate them.

You're not unlucky or doomed; this is just how your brain works.
3. You believe your limiting money story.
It only makes sense that if a problem persists, at some point you begin to embody it, and before you know it, the problem becomes part of your identity.

If your current money story is about not having enough money OR having trouble making money OR having negative emotions about money, then your brain will support you in creating the conditions that match your story.

The result? A self-imposed — and unconscious — income ceiling that perpetuates your limiting money story.
This dynamic shows up as missed opportunities, failed program launches, flat sales numbers, and self-sabotaging behavior like making poor financial decisions, overspending, and not investing in yourself or your business. 

You can upgrade your money mindset and I can show you how 

How would it feel to…

Live in a world where 'plenty' is the norm—you know exactly how to attract, create and align with the financial abundance you desire. 

Make peace with money—feeling good about having it, making it, and enjoying it. 

Believe in yourself and in your work and notice wonderful opportunities before you.

Welcome boatloads of amazing clients happy to pay your full rate. 

Feel so powerful, confident, and at ease knowing that you're magnetic.

Fully trust that you have the power to get exactly what you want and design a life and business you love.

Upgrading your money mindset is powerful. There’s just a better way to do it. It involves brain science and NLP.

The high-vibe brain science training you need to transform your relationship with money, break through your money blocks, and master your inner money game to attract the money and success you want.

Here's what you’ll discover:

The role of your brain when it comes to your money mindset and how you can use it to supercharge your inner money-magnet.

How you create “reality” and the a simple formula to break through your income ceiling.

The 5 things you can control — and how you can use them to make powerful money mindset shifts.

The 3 things you must know to reclaim your personal power and open the flow of abundance.

5 simple practices to fortify your mindset to fully enjoy the life and business you dream about.

6 reasons the Law of Attraction isn't working for you and the secret to manifesting your dream life. 

A quick process for turning your mind into a money magnet to consistently create the money — and everything else — you want.


Here's everything you get:

Lesson 1: Money & Your Mind
Learn how your brain creates your money story and how you can use the same process to create a prosperity story.
($100 Value)
Lesson 2: Reclaiming Your Personal Power
Learn empowerment the NLP way so that you can take charge of every aspect of your business and life.
($100 Value)
Lesson 3: Being an At-Cause Money Magnet CEO
Move past all the reasons keeping you stuck so that you begin creating all the money results you want.
($100 Value)
Lesson 4: Reclaiming Abundance
Develop a soulful abundance consciousness to rewrite scarcity thinking patterns that perpetuate money struggles.
($100 Value)
Lesson 5: Soulful CEO Manifesting
Understand the 3 biggest misconceptions about manifestation and the key to solving all your manifesting problems.
($100 Value)

Limited Time Special Bonuses

Sign up now to get these money mindset bonuses
Bonus Lesson: Soulful CEO Manifesting
A step-by-step practice  to heal your relationship with money and open the flow of 'plenty' in your business and life.
($100 Value)

Practice Guide, Progress Tracker & Affirmations
These PDF resources will help you stay on track, notice your progress, and celebrate your results. 
($50 Value)
Brain Entrainment Audios
You'll get 3 of the most popular audios only available inside my private and group coaching programs.
($100 Value)

Value $750
Regular Price $197


30-Day No-Fluff Guarantee

I know you are going to absolutely love this program!

Try it for 30 days, and if it doesn't help upgrade your money mindset,  I'll refund your money.

No fluff. No awkwardness. Just results. 

Meet Your Mentor

Hey! I’m Brenda Terry.

I’m a mindset coach, business and mentor and  NLP master coach trainer who works with coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs who are ready to upgrade their money mindset and achieve massive success.

I'm here to help you reclaim your worth, step into your power, and transform your relationship with money so you can live the life you deserve.

I know how to do it because I've been there.  I grew up in severe poverty, surrounded by scarcity and lack, and learned to overcome it.

My transformation wasn't easy, but it was worth it.

I learned to overcome the self-sabotaging behavior that kept me stuck in scarcity, self-doubt, and unworthiness — and that prevented me from having a thriving business.

Now, I am an empowered woman. I've learned to embrace my worthiness, honor my brilliance, reclaim my abundance, and love my life.

When I learned NLP, I was floored by how quickly everything turned around. In just one week, I healed and cleared more emotional pain and mindset blocks than what I accomplished  in 9 years of therapy.

This is when I decided to change course and become a master coach and trainer of NLP.

Now, my business feels ahhhhmaaaazing.  I work with clients I love, and I use this framework to help them cultivate the mindset of an empowered CEO and design business and lives that are deeply satisfying and fulfilling in every way.

Abundance and prosperity are your birthrights.
It's time for you to reclaim them.
Money Magnet CEO is a BIG step in the right direction. 

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming incorporates the most significant components involved in our experience: neurology, language, and programming.

The neurological system regulates how the body functions, language determines how we interact and communicate with ourselves and others, and our programming dictates how we show up in the world.

NLP is the study of human excellence, and when applied to business, NLP is one of the most reliable and results-oriented growth tools available. Used by the world’s elite and top performers (Like Tony Robbins and Oprah Winfrey), these tools can support you on the fast track to reaching your highest potential.

The beauty of NLP is that it puts you back in control of your thinking and emotions.

In Money Magnet CEO, we're using NLP principles to develop a powerful money mindset that works for you. 

As with any business, your results are your responsibility, and your results depend on your knowledge, individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and the level to which you’re willing to learn, implement what you know, test, track and measure. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience or any income. You accept the risk that the earnings and income statements vary by individual.

The use of our information, products, and services should be based on your due diligence, and you agree that the Brenda Terry Co. is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products, and services reviewed or advertised on this Website.

As with any business, your results are your responsibility, and your results depend on your knowledge, individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and the level to which you’re willing to learn, implement what you know, test, track and measure. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience or any income. You accept the risk that the earnings and income statements vary by individual.

The use of our information, products, and services should be based on your due diligence, and you agree that the Brenda Terry Co. is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products, and services reviewed or advertised on this Website.