An Online NLP Sales Certification Training Program for purpose-driven sales pros, coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs committed to mastering communication and closing sales consistently.
Besides helping you close sales, NLP provides a framework for mastering communication — this means making a greater impact and  improved relationships with your prospects, your clients,  your loved ones, and yourself.
NLP Sales School is the most comprehensive training of its kind.
 Listen up.. 
Life Coach
Business Coach
Mindset Coach
Health/Fitness Coach
Course Creator

 Listen up.. 
Life Coach
Business Coach
Mindset Coach
Health/Fitness Coach
Course Creator
Energy Worker

This is for you!

Get to the next-level success you desire.
You know you're here to make an impact. And if you're like so many coaches, consultants and course creators out there,  you’ve had some success selling your services but it's likely that your sales are inconsistent and you’re not converting as many ideal clients as you’d like.

You know you need sales to keep your business going… BUT…
Selling intimidates you, so you avoid it
Selling feels icky and gross and you want to do anything but
You're undercharging for your services and raising your fees feels out of the question
You don't have an established process for navigating successful sales conversations and opportunities are slipping through your fingers
You’re worried about what will happen if you don’t close more sales ASAP
All you know is that you’ve got to get this sales problem under control — and fast.

You’re not alone.

Everybody who’s made a living through sales has been at the bottom of an empty funnel at one point or another.

The good news is there’s a practical, effective solution.
You're ready to thrive in your business, make more money, and have time for what matters.
Imagine walking into every sales opportunity with a deep knowing that you’ve got this. Calm and confident, and with everything you need to close the deal and enroll new clients into your programs.

Life feels good because you have a steady flow of clients, and your waiting list is growing.

Before long, you’re profitable and are attracting clients who buy your offers and happily pay your fees.

Everything feels easy, natural, and seamless. You know you’re making a difference, changing lives, and prospering as a result.

This is how it should be.

Imagine walking into every sales opportunity with a deep knowing that you’ve got this. Calm and confident, and with everything you need to close the deal and enroll new clients into your programs.

Life feels good because you have a steady flow of clients, and your waiting list is growing.

Before long, you’re profitable and are attracting clients who buy your offers and happily pay your fees.

Everything feels easy, natural, and seamless. You know you’re making a difference, changing lives, and prospering as a result.

This is how it should be.

Everyone you can help are on the other side of a closed sale.
As someone who thrives on making an impact, there’s nothing more satisfying than witnessing the transformations of your clients. This is only possible when you successfully sell your services.
 It’s time to make a change 
If you’re hitting a wall when it comes to enrolling new clients into your programs consistently, then  it's time to do  something that actually works.
What you really want from your business:
More effectiveness and bigger and better results for your clients
Commanding higher-level clients and working exclusively with the ones you love
Creating consistent revenue - month after month, week after week.
Measurable results you can count on
More time, confidence, satisfaction, and joy
You’re ready to go bigger in your business, and you know wasting time fumbling your way through old sales tactics won’t get you there.

It’s time for you to take consistent, intentional action to create the success you want.
The way to get there?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

When applied to sales, NLP is one of the most reliable and results-oriented growth tools available. Used by the world’s elite and top performers, these tools can support you on the fast track to reaching your highest potential.

Mastering sales happens when you combine a results-driven sales strategy with a powerful success mindset.

The beauty of NLP is that it puts you back in control of your thinking making the selling process more impactful and effective.

When applied to sales, NLP is one of the most reliable and results-oriented growth tools available. Used by the world’s elite and top performers, these tools can support you on the fast track to reaching your highest potential.

Mastering sales happens when you combine a results-driven sales strategy with a powerful success mindset.

The beauty of NLP is that it puts you back in control of your thinking making the selling process more impactful and effective.

Here’s What You’ll Learn in NLP Sales School:
A powerful NLP sequential sales model that will skyrocket your sales success and turn you into a master closer
How to identify each target client’s unique buying strategy and sell your services specifically to that strategy
How to learn and speak your prospect’s language and tailor your sales approach to their learning style
 How to communicate with prospects and clients so they’ll hear and trust you, and feel inspired to commit to your offer
How to obliterate objections using precise, powerful, and persuasive language patterns exclusively used in NLP
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Here's What You Get:
✓ Study Materials
You’ll have all of your study materials which includes recordings, exercises and pdfs to support you.
✓ NLP, Your Brain, and Your Business
You’ll learn the core components of NLP and the 6 things you do in your head that are directly responsible for your results and how to use them to crush it in business and sales. You’ll also learn the NLP way of clarifying, setting, and accomplishing your big business goals.
✓ Communicate For Success and Establish Rapport
You’ll dig into the key NLP communication elements, including the conscious use of language, voice, and physiology: this is HUGE!

You’ll learn to use key words and phrases, and specific body language that resonate with prospects and clients at an unconscious level so that your message is compelling and irresistible. Your clients will see you as a friend and trusted advisor making it that much easier for you to double or triple your closing rates — this is powerful stuff!

You’ll learn to apply these concepts so you’ll be more comfortable making sales calls, delivering presentations, and asking for the sale. You’ll learn to speak every prospect’s language to get a HECK YES.
✓ Learn Powerful Observation Skills
You’ll learn to observe and understand the tiny changes people make in their physiology to modify your presentation strategy to ensure your prospects and clients feel heard, validated, and are receptive to your value proposition.
✓ Understand HOW Your Prospect Makes Decisions
You’ll learn how to read eye patterns to decode their message and ask specific questions to tap into how your clients make decisions and utilize the information to create a solution that solves their problem and compels them to buy exclusively from you.
✓ NLP Sales Sequence
You’ll learn a powerful and proven sales methodology using NLP principles with a simple systematic sequence that you can adapt to any sales experience. You’ll know how to figure out what your potential client needs and align your solution seamlessly. It’s magical, but without the unicorns and fairy dust.
✓ Obliterate Objections
You’ll learn the truth about objections and get proven formulas to handle them with ease using advanced language patterns. Finally, no more palm sweats if a prospect says “NO.” This will be the ace in your back pocket.
✓ Success and Thrive
You’ll learn an extraordinary technique for goal setting that guarantees you’ll check them off your list! This is the glue that makes everything stick!
✓ Lifetime Access
You’ll have lifetime access to the training modules and program materials to revisit anytime you want and need.
NLP Sales School is for you if…
You depend on sales consults to generate revenue and want to increase your closing ratio.
You struggle to move sales conversations forward and want an effective  step-by-step blueprint to follow.
You know you're leaving money and opportunities on the table and are ready to have the success you crave. 
You want to take control of your thinking, emotions and behavior to design a life and business you love.
You want to learn NLP and have the tools to train your brain for ultimate success and become a master communicator.
Whether you’re approaching sales mastery, ready to close consistently, make more money, or achieve massive results — NLP Sales School will take you there.

NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming incorporates the most significant components involved in our human experience: neurology, language, and programming.

The neurological system regulates how the body functions, language determines how we interact and communicate with ourselves and others, and our programming dictates how we show up in the world.

NLP is the study of human excellence, and here, we’re applying it to your sales skills so that you can master your life and show up even more powerfully in your work.

Inside this NLP sales training program, you’ll have all the tools and strategies you need to create a success mindset, sell like a rock star, and make an impact.

Sales Excellence & Ongoing Success
✓ Study Materials
You’ll have all of your study materials which includes recordings, exercises and pdfs to support you.
✓ NLP, Your Brain, and Your Business
You’ll learn the core components of NLP and the 6 things you do in your head that are directly responsible for your results and how to use them to crush it in business and sales. You’ll also learn the NLP way of clarifying, setting, and accomplishing your big business goals.
✓ Communicate For Success and Establish Rapport
You’ll dig into the key NLP communication elements, including the conscious use of language, voice, and physiology: this is HUGE!

You’ll learn to use key words and phrases, and specific body language that resonate with prospects and clients at an unconscious level so that your message is compelling and irresistible. Your clients will see you as a friend and trusted advisor making it that much easier for you to double or triple your closing rates — this is powerful stuff!

You’ll learn to apply these concepts so you’ll be more comfortable making sales calls, delivering presentations, and asking for the sale. You’ll learn to speak every prospect’s language to get a HECK YES.
✓ Learn Powerful Observation Skills
You’ll learn to observe and understand the tiny changes people make in their physiology to modify your presentation strategy to ensure your prospects and clients feel heard, validated, and are receptive to your value proposition.
✓ Understand HOW Your Prospect Makes Decisions
You’ll discern how to read eye patterns to decode their message and ask specific questions to tap into how your clients make decisions and utilize the information to create a solution that solves their problem and compels them to buy exclusively from you.
✓ NLP Sales Sequence
You’ll learn a powerful and proven sales methodology using NLP principles with a simple systematic sequence that you can adapt to any sales experience. You’ll know how to figure out what your potential client needs and align your solution seamlessly. It’s magical, but without the unicorns and fairy dust.
✓ Obliterate Objections
You’ll learn the truth about objections and get proven formulas to handle them with ease using advanced language patterns. Finally, no more palm sweats when a prospect says “NO.” This will be the ace in your back pocket.

NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming incorporates the most significant components involved in our human experience: neurology, language, and programming.

The neurological system regulates how the body functions, language determines how we interact and communicate with ourselves and others, and our programming dictates how we show up in the world.

NLP is the study of human excellence, and here, we’re applying it to your sales skills so that you can master your life and show up even more powerfully in your work.

Inside this NLP sales training program, you’ll have all the tools and strategies you need to create a success mindset, sell like a rock star, and make an impact.

Meet your NLP trainer and master coach:

I’m Brenda Terry. I’m a master coach trainer and online business mentor who works with coaches, consultants, course creators and CEO's who know they’re meant for more. They want to make more money, land higher-level clients, and change lives.

I teach them business frameworks, sales strategies, and mindset tools so they can reach their goals, and make more money while serving their clients and find more joy in all areas of their lives.

With over 25 years of business experience, I know the ins and outs of what it takes to break through self-imposed limitations to run a thriving business and achieve success on the other side. Now I get to teach people like you to accomplish just that.

Not only do I know what it takes to succeed in different business models, I also worked in a commission-only sales environment for 20 years, so I can help you set yourself up for consistent sales and year-round revenue.

Sales is a lot like golf. When you learn how to play to win in your mind, you win on the green.

Learning how to sell effectively is absolutely necessary to succeed in business.

Using what you'll learn in NLP Sales School, signing new clients will be easier than ever before. You’ll learn how to effortlessly inspire people to buy into YOU — not just into what you’re selling, so you can transform your big sales goals into big, measurable results.

You’ll be able to consistently meet and exceed your sales goals with integrity and a service mindset and without working all hours of the night or feeling inauthentic.
Excellent training and great support from Brenda throughout and after. I’d recommend this to anyone interested in closing more sales in less time, improving their communication skills, and gaining higher clarity on how to make their goals happen.
I didn’t think learning NLP was going to help me in a way that made a real difference. I was wrong. Brenda has a way of teaching that makes you think. While she is teaching all the techniques, you begin to understand what’s kept you from reaching your goals and having what you want. Besides boosting my sales, this training program  was an eye-opening experience.
An effective, logical approach to selling that is surprisingly humanizing. Learning to sell with NLP has opened many new possibilities in my business and personally. It’s proven to be a great referral generator. Highly recommended