NLP Certification for Business, Sales and Communication
   NLP Certification for Business, Sales and  Communication
A Life-Changing NLP  Certification Training to Master Communication, Improve Emotional Intelligence, Increase Resilience, and Close Sales Consistently so You Can Thrive in Business and Life.


A Life-Changing NLP  Certification Training to Master Communication, Improve Emotional Intelligence, Increase Resilience, and Close Sales Consistently so You Can Thrive in Business and Life.



 Good communication is the foundation of any successful relationship—whether in business or our private lives.

It goes beyond just exchanging words—it's about connecting on a deeper level and truly understanding each other.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) offers powerful tools to enhance this connection by promoting positive language, refining listening skills, and mastering nonverbal cues.

Empathy and rapport-building are at the heart of NLP, enabling you to understand others’ perspectives, build trust, and create a welcoming environment for effective communication.

In today's fast-paced world where digital communication dominates, NLP techniques can be especially valuable in building strong relationships both online and offline.

Besides helping you close sales with a proven model, NLP provides unparalleled  frameworks for achieving your goals, making a greater impact and enriching your relationships with your prospects, your clients,  your loved ones, and yourself. 

NLP SALES SCHOOL is the most comprehensive certification training program of its kind.

Sales Professionals
Course Creators
Energy Workers

You're ready to thrive in your business, help more people, and reach new levels of success.
You're great at what you do, you care about your clients,  and you're here to make an impact.

And if you're like so many coaches, consultants and online educators out there,  you’ve had some success selling your services, but your sales are inconsistent and you’re not converting as many ideal clients as you’d like.

You know you need sales to keep your business going… BUT…
Selling intimidates you, so you avoid it.
You have a hard time explaining to others what you do and how you deliver value to your clients.
You struggle with structuring sales meetings that effectively link a prospect's needs to your offers and close the sale.
You haven't figured out how to  address objections successfully, such as concerns about cost, time, or perceived value.
You don't have an established process for navigating sales conversations and opportunities are slipping through your fingers.
Self-doubt and lack of confidence prevent you from charging a fair fee, marketing yourself and your business, and ultimately achieving the success you desire. 
You know you’ve got a sales problem, and you need to fix it — and fast.

You’re not alone.

Everybody who’s made a living through sales has been at the bottom of an empty funnel at one point or another.

The good news is there’s a practical, effective solution.
All the people you can help are on the other side of a closed sale.
As someone who thrives on making an impact, there’s nothing more satisfying than witnessing your client transformations.

This is only possible when you successfully sell your services.

And guess what? A lot of your competitors are crushing it.

But chances are, many of them aren't delivering value at your level, but they know how to close sales.

And so should you. 
It’s time for you to take consistent, intentional action to create the success you want.
Imagine walking into every sales opportunity with a deep knowing that you’ve got this.

Calm and confident, and with everything you need to close the sale and enroll new clients into your programs.

Life feels good because you’ve got all the tools and resources to help your business grow and succeed.

Your business is profitable and you're attracting clients who buy your offers and happily pay your fees.

Everything feels easy, natural, and seamless. You know you’re making a difference, changing lives, and prospering as a result.

This is totally possible when you know how to convey your value and expertise with confidence and ease.

That's the power of NLP.

 NLP principles and techniques are incredibly effective in coaching and leadership because they help us navigate the spectrum of specificity and ambiguity with ease and elegance.

With NLP, you can dive deep into someone's thought process, uncover hidden beliefs, and transform vague ideas into clear, actionable plans. This makes communication more impactful, driving real change and progress.

For leaders, seamlessly switching between high-level visions and detailed actions is vital.

NLP techniques make this a breeze by providing a framework that lets you articulate big-picture goals while also zeroing in on the specifics needed to achieve them.

Your team won't just understand what you're aiming for—they'll know exactly how to get there. This results in a more aligned, motivated, and productive team, perfectly positioned to hit those targets.

NLP also shines when it comes to fostering resilience and adaptability. These linguistic tools are fantastic for helping both coaches and leaders guide their people through change and uncertainty.

By shifting perspectives and reframing challenges, NLP turns setbacks into opportunities for growth. This flexibility encourages innovative thinking and problem-solving, making everyone more capable of handling whatever comes their way.


Ultimately, NLP empowers you to lead with confidence.
transform obstacles into opportunities and inspire others to reach their full potential.

When applied to sales and communication, NLP is one of the most reliable and results-oriented growth tools available. Used by the world’s elite and top performers, these tools can support you on the fast track to reaching your highest potential.

Mastering sales happens when you combine a results-driven sales strategy, high-level communication skills and a powerful success mindset.

The beauty of NLP is that it puts you back in control of your thinking making the selling process more impactful and effective.


NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming incorporates the most significant components involved in our human experience: neurology, language, and programming.

The neurological system regulates how the body functions.

Language determines how we interact and communicate with ourselves and others.

Our programming dictates how we show up in the world.

NLP In Sales and Communication
NLP is the study of human excellence, and here, we’re applying it to your sales and communication skills so that you can master your life and show up even more powerfully in your work.

This NLP certification training program gives you all the tools and strategies you need to create a success mindset, master communication, sell like a rock star, improve your relationships, and make an impact.

If you’re ready to upgrade your sales skills, NLP Sales School is for you.

It’s a self-paced certification training program where you’ll learn to sell using NLP techniques. These are the same sales and communication techniques, tools, and strategies used by top performers to succeed and thrive in any market.

Selling with NLP is a skillset made up of several components and a specific sequence that you can learn and, through practice — master.

This is how you become unstoppable.

What You Get Inside
20 Immersive Training Modules to Create Momentum including:

The 6 NLP Principles for Success
so that your life can be transformed in a positive way.

The Keys to Emotional Mastery and Empowerment
so that  you can increase your emotional intelligence and become more resilient.

Understanding Your Unconscious Mind
and harnessing its power to create lasting change in your life.

How to Establish Rapport With Anyone
so that you can build strong and meaningful relationships with ease.

How to Set Clear and Achievable Goals
using NLP that will guide you towards your desired outcomes.

The Power to Reframe Your Thoughts On Command
for more positive outcomes in all areas of your life.

How to Close Sales Consistently
with a powerful NLP sequential sales model that gets results.

Everything You Need to Master Communication
and become an expert at effectively conveying your message and understanding others.

NLP Daily Practices
so that you can continue to improve and grow on a daily basis.

And so much more
Whether you’re aiming for sales mastery, ready to close consistently, make more money, or achieve massive results — NLP Sales School will take you there.
You depend on sales consults to generate revenue and want to improve your closing ratio.
You struggle to move sales conversations forward and want an effective  step-by-step blueprint to follow.
You know you're leaving money and opportunities on the table and are ready to have the success you crave. 
You want to take control of your thinking, emotions and behavior to design a life and business you love.
You want to learn NLP and have the tools to train your brain for ultimate success and become a master communicator.
Meet Your NLP Trainer and Master Coach

I’m Brenda Terry. I’m a mindset coach, mentor. and NLP master coach trainer who works with coaches, consultants, sales pros, and CEO's who know they’re meant for more. They want to be successful, land higher-level clients, and create businesses and lives they love.

I teach them the frameworks, sales strategies, and mindset tools so they can reach their goals, make more money serving their clients, and find more joy in all areas of their lives.

With over 25 years of business experience, I know the ins and outs of what it takes to break through self-imposed limitations to run a thriving business and achieve success on the other side.

Now I get to teach people like you to accomplish just that.

Not only do I know what it takes to succeed in different business models, I also worked in a commission-only sales environment for 20 years, so I can help you set yourself up for consistent sales and year-round revenue.

Learning how to sell effectively is absolutely necessary to succeed in business.

Using what you'll learn in NLP Sales School, signing new clients will be easier than ever before.

You’ll learn how to effortlessly inspire people to buy into YOU — not just into what you’re selling, so you can transform your big sales goals into big, measurable results.

Meet Your NLP Trainer and Master Coach

I’m Brenda Terry. I’m a mindset coach, mentor. and NLP master coach trainer who works with coaches, consultants, sales pros, and CEO's who know they’re meant for more. They want to be successful, land higher-level clients, and create businesses and lives they love.

I teach them the frameworks, sales strategies, and mindset tools so they can reach their goals, make more money serving their clients, and find more joy in all areas of their lives.

With over 25 years of business experience, I know the ins and outs of what it takes to break through self-imposed limitations to run a thriving business and achieve success on the other side.

Now I get to teach people like you to accomplish just that.

Not only do I know what it takes to succeed in different business models, I also worked in a commission-only sales environment for 20 years, so I can help you set yourself up for consistent sales and year-round revenue.

Learning how to sell effectively is absolutely necessary to succeed in business.

Using what you'll learn in NLP Sales School, signing new clients will be easier than ever before.

You’ll learn how to effortlessly inspire people to buy into YOU — not just into what you’re selling, so you can transform your big sales goals into big, measurable results.

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✓ Study Materials
You’ll have all of your study materials including recordings, exercises and pdfs to support you.
✓ Live Support
You'll have access to 6 months of group calls to answer all your questions and support you implement the material.
✓ NLP, Your Brain, and Your Business
NLP is all about understanding how the mind works and using that awareness to improve your language and behavior. You’ll learn the core components of NLP and the 6 things you do in your head that are directly responsible for your results and how to use them to crush it in business and sales. You’ll also learn the NLP way of clarifying, setting, and accomplishing your big  goals.
✓ Communicate For Success and Establish Rapport
You’ll dig into the key NLP communication elements, including the conscious use of language, voice, and physiology. This is HUGE!

You’ll learn to connect with your prospects and clients on a deeper level, understanding their underlying needs and desires. By utilizing NLP techniques, you’ll be able to communicate in a way that resonates with them and builds trust and rapport.

Your clients will see you as a friend and trusted advisor making it that much easier for you to double or triple your closing rates — this is powerful stuff!

You'll learn to frame your messages in a way that captures attention, creates interest, and motivates action and apply these concepts so you’ll be more comfortable making sales calls, delivering presentations, and closing sales
✓ Learn Powerful Observation Skills
You’ll learn to observe and understand the tiny changes people make in their physiology to to ensure your prospects and clients feel heard, validated, and are receptive to your value proposition.
✓ Understand HOW Your Prospect Makes Decisions
You’ll learn how to read eye patterns to decode their message and ask specific questions to identify what's truly important to them and the specific strategy they use to make decisions. This empowers you to create a solution that meets their needs, solves their problem and compels them to buy exclusively from you.
✓ NLP Sales Model
You’ll learn a powerful and proven sales methodology using NLP principles with a simple systematic sequence that you can adapt to any sales experience. You’ll know how to figure out what your potential client needs and align your solution seamlessly. It not magic, but the results are magical.  
✓ Obliterate Objections
You’ll learn the truth about objections and get proven formulas to handle them with ease using advanced language patterns. Finally, no more palm sweats if a prospect says “NO.” This will be the ace in your back pocket.
✓ Success and Thrive
You’ll learn an extraordinary technique for goal setting that guarantees you’ll check them off your list! This is the glue that makes everything stick!
✓ Lifetime Access
You’ll have lifetime access to the training modules and program materials to revisit anytime you want and need.
Finally! You’ll master the art and science of selling and achieve tremendous results in your business!
The success of your business depends on closed sales.

NLP Sales School is an opportunity to dramatically improve your perspective on sales and selling by breaking down the concept of sales into a doable, manageable process.

Through this process, you'll learn to  normalize feel-good selling  so you can achieve extraordinary results.

This training is designed  to create mindset shifts as you go through the process, creating the opportunity for you to make the money you want, choose your clients, and have the time and freedom to enjoy life.

No matter where you are on your business journey, know this:
You’re exactly where you need to be to have everything you want — rewarding work, a thriving business, an abundant bank account, love, joy, and more.
Excellent training and great support from Brenda throughout and after. I’d recommend this to anyone interested in closing more sales in less time, improving their communication skills, and gaining higher clarity on how to make their goals happen.
I didn’t think learning NLP was going to help me in a way that made a real difference. I was wrong. Brenda has a way of teaching that makes you think. While she is teaching all the techniques, you begin to understand what’s kept you from reaching your goals and having what you want. Besides boosting my sales, this training program  was an eye-opening experience.
An effective, logical approach to selling that is surprisingly humanizing. Learning to sell with NLP has opened many new possibilities in my business and personally. It’s proven to be a great referral generator. Highly recommended

Is there a money-back guarantee?
Yes! You have 30-days from the start of the program to cancel for a full refund.

With that said, your success in NLP Sales School will be determined the action you take. You will have the blueprint, the know-how, the tools and strategies to skyrocket your sales success.  You will get out of it what you put into it.

How long do I have to get my certification?
You have 18 months to complete your certification requirements. You also have lifetime access to the course materials to catch up anytime.

How much time should I plan to dedicate to the course?
Plan for 2-3 hours each week as you're learning the material. This includes watching the recordings and doing exercises. Once you go through the content once, I strongly recommend reviewing it again.

Are there live sessions for me to attend?
YES, and all of the training content is recorded and will be dripped every few days. You can review the lessons when it’s best for you. We'll have Q&A calls to support you in learning and implementing the material. You’ll also have lifetime access to the training modules and program materials to revisit anytime you want and need.

What if I have questions?
I will answer them! I hold Voxer NLP Sales School office hours twice a month. You can also submit questions through a question form inside the portal.

How does the certification work?
You’ll receive your certification through NLP Coach School. We take the certification process seriously. Here are the requirements for certification:

  • Watching the content
  • Doing the exercises
  • Practice the techniques with family, friends,  prospects and clients
  • Complete a test and obtain a passing score of at least 90%
  • Pay your tuition in full.
  • All certification requirements must be completed within 18 months of enrollment.

What will an NLP Certification get me?
NLP Sales School certification delivers many benefits depending on your business and your goals. For me, NLP certification meant higher revenue, more time, high-quality client work, personal transformation, the power to help others and prosper as a result.


As with any business, your results are your responsibility, and your results depend on your knowledge individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and the level to which you’re willing to learn, implement what you know, test, track and measure. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience or any income. You accept the risk that the earnings and income statements vary by individual.

The use of our information, products, and services should be based on your due diligence, and you agree that the Brenda Terry Co. is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products, and services reviewed or advertised on this Website.

As with any business, your results are your responsibility, and your results depend on your knowledge individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and the level to which you’re willing to learn, implement what you know, test, track and measure. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience or any income. You accept the risk that the earnings and income statements vary by individual.

The use of our information, products, and services should be based on your due diligence, and you agree that the Brenda Terry Co. is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products, and services reviewed or advertised on this Website.