Reclaim Your Calm with The Rethinking Stress Playbook 
The Complete Stress Relief System
The Rethinking Stress Playbook
The Complete Stress Management System for Coaches, Consultants, and Entrepreneurs to stop struggling with stress, anxiety, and overwhelm and cultivate the calm and confidence you need to take charge of your life.
Reclaim Your Calm with The Rethinking Stress Playbook!
The Complete Stress Relief System
The Rethinking Stress Playbook
The Complete Stress Management System for Coaches, Consultants, and Entrepreneurs to stop anxiety and overwhelm, boost self-confidence, and take charge of your life.
Living with Stress is Hard Work.
It can make living life an emotionally taxing journey marked by pressure, uncertainty, and struggle. Every bit of progress you make comes with new challenges that can take a toll on even the most resilient of us.

When the demands of daily living pull us in every direction, it's easy to fall into the trap of putting work before everything else, including taking care of yourself. This is a problem.

You know that living with constant stress isn’t sustainable or good for you.
Yet, sometimes, it feels like this is just how it is, that it’s out of your hands, and the best you can do is to power through.

But it doesn't have to be that way. 
Does this sound familiar...
You’re sacrificing your wellbeing in favor of productivity — the “hustle” mentality has taken a toll on your mental and physical health.
You feel overwhelmed, like there is too much to do and not enough time or resources.
You experience intense feelings of guilt when taking a break or putting yourself first.
Your self-esteem is plummeting — you feel like you aren’t “good enough” or that you’re not achieving what you want in life.
You can't seem to find joy or motivation in the things you used to enjoy doing.
Your relationships are suffering due to your stress — you have difficulty communicating or expressing yourself properly.
You feel like you're stuck in a rut, not sure how to move forward or make changes.
You’re not alone. We live in a world that's normalized stress.

We’ve been conditioned to wear it like a badge of honor, proof of how hard we work, everything we juggle, and how good we are at putting out fires day after day.

The result? Neglecting self-care has become second nature.
 Stress can sabotage your success 
but you can stop it. 
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 Your brain is programmed to protect you and uses fear as a defense mechanism.

Fear triggers the fight-or-flight response that throws you off balance and clouds your judgment. This not only triggers negative emotions but also impacts your ability to make decisions and take action.

When you learn to interrupt the fight-or-flight response, your body can return to a calm, balanced state within minutes so you can get back to doing what you do best — feeling inspired, motivated, and energized. 
 I know because I've been there. 
 I battled chronic stress for years. Eventually, it got so bad that I was in adrenal fatigue and had two bouts of stress-related pneumonia in a single year.

The thing is, I never saw it coming. One day, I was busy doing what I always did — juggling everything at hyper speed. The next, I couldn’t get out of bed. My body had had enough and simply gave out on me practically overnight.

What that experience taught me is this: Chronic stress is dangerous, but it’s also reversible and preventable.

Unlock Your True Potential:
Transform Your Life Through Stress Management
How would it feel to...
Cultivate inner peace, resilience, and confidence —creating an unshakable foundation for personal and business success.
Harness your energy to work smarter, be more efficient, and do more of what you love.
Feel good about yourself, your life, and the world around you — no matter what’s happening.
Reclaim control of your thinking, feeling, and behavior — so you’re in charge of your life.
Experience laser-sharp focus and crystal-clear thinking — empowering you to make better decisions and reach your goals faster.
Forge connections with clients, colleagues, and loved ones that transform your relationships from mundane to magical.
Reap the rewards of a fulfilling life by striking the ideal balance between your professional aspirations and personal priorities, ensuring long-term happiness and success.
You can create a practical and powerful action plan that helps you stay in control of your physical, mental, and emotional wellness. And it’s easier than you might think.
The Rethinking Stress Playbook

The super-practical, comprehensive system you need to break free from stress and overwhelm, build resilience, boost self-confidence, and take charge of your business and life.
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Here’s What You’ll Discover inside the Playbook:
The step-by-step blueprint for preventing burnout and overwhelm so you can build a strong foundation of resilience, emotional intelligence, and surefire success.
A powerful NLP practice to help you build consistency, increase resilience and develop a positive outlook.
A simple system for dealing with challenging emotions and stressful situations so you can move forward with confidence and clarity.
A strategic practice to overcome obstacles that stand in the way of success, like imposter syndrome, worry, and self-doubt.
4 Essential decisions to make lasting, measurable improvements to your overall stress level and life.
A comprehensive plan for incorporating these habits into your daily routine so you can live an empowered life with purpose and confidence.
Easy-to-use tools to identify, manage, and reduce stressors affecting your productivity, growth, and wellbeing.
And so much more!
Here's What You'll Discover inside the Playbook
The step-by-step blueprint for preventing burnout and overwhelm so you can build a strong foundation of resilience, emotional intelligence, and surefire success.
A simple system for dealing with challenging emotions and stressful situations so you can move forward with confidence and clarity.
4 Essential decisions to make lasting, measurable improvements to your overall stress level and life.
Easy-to-use tools to identify, manage, and reduce stressors affecting your productivity, growth, and wellbeing.
A powerful NLP practice to help you build consistency, increase resilience and develop a positive outlook.
A strategic practice to overcome obstacles that stand in the way of success, like imposter syndrome, worry, and self-doubt.
A comprehensive plan for incorporating these habits into your daily routine so you can live an empowered life with purpose and confidence.

And so much more!
 Transform your business and life with The Rethinking Stress Playbook. Achieve clarity and confidence as you train your brain to take purposeful action and develop resilience. Let this playbook be your guide to making changes that will last.

Take charge of how you show up in the world and get started today! 
Here's Everything You Get
 The Ultimate Stress Relief Guide to strategically reduce stress, regain control of your emotions,  and cultivate greater resilience, confidence, and ease. 
 A 2-minute Stress Assessment to gauge your stress levels and to pinpoint situations, beliefs, and triggers that cause you distress. 
 Practical worksheets to quickly identify stress triggers, mitigate the stress response, and track your progress. 
 4 Action Steps to ensure that you stay on track and make changes in your life to reduce stress, increase motivation, and achieve your goals. 
 An action plan to customize your own stress management journey and take control of your life. 
 Tips and advice on how to handle challenging situations without getting overwhelmed. 
Total Value: $500 
Limited Time Special Bonuses
Sign up now to get these stress-busting bonuses
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Bonus 1: Tapping Masterclass
 EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a simple, profound tool you can use anywhere, anytime, to process and release stored stress from the nervous system quickly. In this 5-lesson masterclass, you’ll learn how to use this powerful tool to move through stress and create new neural pathways for resilience and ease. 
Value $200
Bonus 2: Printable Stress Management Workbooks
 You’ll get printable monthly and weekly workbooks that will provide you with the tools, tips, and strategies to help you increase awareness, identify hidden stressors, track your progress, and strategically implement practical tools to combat stress — first by preventing it and then by managing it when it shows up. 
Value $50
Bonus 3: Brain Entrainment Audios
 These audio files have been specifically designed to shift your brainwave patterns from fight-or-flight into a relaxed and focused state, helping you access more resources and gain new insights to build resilience and tap into your inner wisdom. 
Value $100
Bonus 4: Rethinking Stress Playbook Training
 This indispensable resource will bring the powerful techniques and tools from The Rethinking Stress Playbook to life, guiding you step-by-step to seamlessly integrate the playbook's resources into your daily routine to create a more balanced and fulfilling life. 
Value $100
Value $950
Regular Price $197

Value $950
Regular Price $197

30-Day No-Fluff Guarantee
 I know you are going to love this program!

Try it for 30 days, and if it doesn't help you manage stress and feel better, I'll give you your money back.

No fluff. No awkwardness. Just results. 

Meet Your Mentor

Hi! I’m Brenda Terry.

I’m an NLP master coach trainer and a mindset and business mentor who works with coaches, consultants, sales professionals, and entrepreneurs who are ready to eliminate mental and emotional blocks, upgrade their mindset, implement simple strategies that lead to real-life results, and achieve success on their own terms.

I'm here to help you believe in yourself, feel good about your life and cultivate an empowering mindset that yields results.

I know how to do it because I've been there.  I've healed decades of trauma, scarcity and lack thinking, and self-sabotaging behavior.  At one time, I weighed over 300 lbs and believed I was completely unlovable.

Life is vastly different now. I believe in myself, I love my life and my business, and I'm in a loving partnership.

When it comes to business, I have 30 years of sales and business experience and built multiple successful businesses as a single mom.

Now, I help my clients heal, evolve and align with their true potential so they, too, can build lives and businesses they love.

If we can do it, I know you can do it too.

I'm rooting for you in all ways,


Meet Your Mentor

 I’m an NLP master coach trainer and a mindset and business mentor who works with coaches, consultants, sales professionals, and entrepreneurs who are ready to eliminate mental and emotional blocks, upgrade their mindset, implement simple strategies that lead to real-life results, and achieve success on their own terms.

I'm here to help you believe in yourself, feel good about your life and cultivate an empowering mindset that yields results.

I know how to do it because I've been there.  I've healed decades of trauma, scarcity and lack of thinking, and self-sabotaging behavior.  At one time, I weighed over 300 lbs and believed I was completely unlovable.

Life is vastly different now. I believe in myself, I love my life and my business, and I'm in a loving partnership.

When it comes to business, I have 30 years of sales and business experience and built multiple successful businesses as a single mom.

Now, I help my clients heal, evolve and align with their true potential so they, too, can build lives and businesses they love.

If we can do it, I know you can do it too.

I'm rooting for you in all ways,
NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming incorporates the most significant components involved in our experience: neurology, language, and programming.

The neurological system regulates how the body functions, language determines how we interact and communicate with ourselves and others, and our programming dictates how we show up in the world.

NLP is the study of human excellence, and when applied to business, NLP is one of the most reliable and results-oriented growth tools available. Used by the world’s elite and top performers (Like Tony Robbins and Oprah Winfrey), these tools can support you on the fast track to reaching your highest potential.

The beauty of NLP is that it puts you back in control of your thinking and emotions.

In the Rethinking Stress Playbook, we're using NLP principles, brain entrainment audios, and EFT Tapping to calm the nervous system, eliminate mental and emotional blocks and develop a powerful mindset that works for you and your business
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I am not a licensed psychologist or specialist healthcare professional. Therefore, my services do not replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals.

The services you receive are not licensed in any state or regulated by a governmental body. The self-regulated holistic treatments and client-centered disciplines I am trained in include: Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Let It Go Coaching™ Techniques, NLP Coaching, Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and other energy healing modalities. I will always provide only those services in which I have been trained.

Please note that I can’t take any responsibility for the results of your actions and any harm or damage you suffer as a result of the use or non-use of the information available in the Rethinking Stress Playbook. Therefore, please use judgment and conduct due diligence before taking any action or implementing any plan or practice suggested or recommended on this website or the program material.

Please note that I don’t make any guarantees about the results of the information applied on this website or program material. I share educational and informational resources that are intended to help you succeed in business and life. Your outcomes will result from your own efforts, your particular situation, and innumerable circumstances beyond my knowledge and control.