hey there!

I’m Brenda.

I help coaches, consultants, and sales pros build the mental toolkit for 7-figure growth so they can attract ideal clients and charge their worth.

So, make yourself at home and gobble up my FREE resources to help you overcome money limiting beliefs, and train your brain for success so you can finally get what you want in business and life.

hey there!

I’m Brenda.

I help coaches, consultants, and sales pros build the mental toolkit for 7-figure growth so they can attract ideal clients and charge their worth.

So, make yourself at home and gobble up my FREE resources to help you overcome money limiting beliefs, and train your brain for success so you can finally get what you want in business and life.



I've been where you are.

I’ve been there.

Daydreaming about a life and business that felt out of reach, hoping that somehow everything would magically fall into place so that I could finally get what I wanted.

In the meantime, I was stuck, struggling, feeling lost and unfulfilled. Deep down, I knew there had to be more to life, but no matter what I tried, I couldn’t break out of this cycle.

Things had to get really painful for me to decide that enough was enough—it was time to stop dreaming and start doing.

And let me tell you, it wasn’t easy. There were ups and downs, failures and successes, and lots of doubt.

But I stayed committed to my vision and kept pushing forward.

Now, as a master coach and mindset mentor, my mission is to empower you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to become the architect of your life.

And if I did it, I know you can do it, too.

I've been where you are.

I’ve been there.

Daydreaming about a life and business that felt out of reach, hoping that somehow everything would magically fall into place so that I could finally get what I wanted.

In the meantime, I was stuck, struggling, feeling lost and unfulfilled. Deep down, I knew there had to be more to life, but no matter what I tried, I couldn’t break out of this cycle.

Things had to get really painful for me to decide that enough was enough—it was time to stop dreaming and start doing.

And let me tell you, it wasn’t easy. There were ups and downs, failures and successes, and lots of doubt.

But I stayed committed to my vision and kept pushing forward.

Now, as a master coach and mindset mentor, my mission is to empower you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to become the architect of your life.

And if I did it, I know you can do it, too.

Start Here


Fluff-free and insightful personal growth resources to support and guide you on your journey to becoming your best self.  Whether you’re looking for practical advice on setting goals, building healthy habits, or improving your money mindset, I’ve got you covered!

Step 1



14 proven strategies to reclaim your calm, boost resilience, and manage stress like a boss.

Step 2



Build a solid foundation and create an effective strategy for your big life and business vision. 

Step 3



Tap into abundance and prosperity by transforming your relationship with money from the inside out.

Ultimately, your results are up to you .

After coaching female entrepreneurs for 8 years, I discovered there are only 3 requirements for creating lasting change.

  • 1. Clean up the past.
  • This includes releasing negative emotions and eliminating limiting beliefs at an unconscious level.
  • 2. Take Aligned action.
  • You must take consistent action that aligns with what you want. This includes enforcing boundaries.
  • 3. Focus on What You Want.
  • Your must stubbornly focus on what you want because what you focus on becomes suggestions to your unconscious mind and defines the essence of your moment-to-moment experience.

With these three elements in place, you can tap into your true potential and create a life and business that are deeply fulfilling and aligned with your values and purpose.

And this is much easier said than done because to make meaningful, lasting change, we have to battle against our own fears and limiting beliefs.

In order to grow and achieve our goals, we must learn to overcome self-doubt, overcome resistance, and stay accountable.

That’s why I provide a safe and supportive space for my clients to explore their inner selves, overcome their fears, and break through limiting beliefs.

Learn more about my private coaching program.

Ultimately, your results are up to you .

After coaching female entrepreneurs for 8 years, I discovered there are only 3 requirements for creating lasting change.

  • 1. Clean up the past.
  • This includes releasing negative emotions and eliminating limiting beliefs at an unconscious level.
  • 2. Take Aligned action.
  • You must take consistent action that aligns with what you want. This includes enforcing boundaries.
  • 3. Focus on What You Want.
  • Your must stubbornly focus on what you want because what you focus on becomes suggestions to your unconscious mind and defines the essence of your moment-to-moment experience.

With these three elements in place, you can tap into your true potential and create a life and business that are deeply fulfilling and aligned with your values and purpose.

And this is much easier said than done because to make meaningful, lasting change, we have to battle against our own fears and limiting beliefs.

In order to grow and achieve our goals, we must learn to overcome self-doubt, overcome resistance, and stay accountable.

That’s why I provide a safe and supportive space for my clients to explore their inner selves, overcome their fears, and break through limiting beliefs.

Learn more about my private coaching program.


Are you ready to LOVE YOUR business AND LIFE?


Are you ready to LOVE YOUR business AND LIFE?


Personal growth and transformation are not just about business strategies; they’re about tapping into the power of thought, embracing your unique purpose, and then taking lots of intentional action to step boldly into the future.

As a master coach and mindset mentor specializing in empowering women in business, I’ve seen time and time again how the most brilliant business strategy can crumble under the weight of self-doubt and limiting beliefs.

That’s why I’m here — to help you identify and overcome these mindset blocks so you can build resilience, foster positivity, and harness your intuitive wisdom.

With these tools, you can break free from any self-imposed limitations and step confidently toward your goals.


How do I know? Because I had to learn this for myself.


Personal growth and transformation are not just about business strategies; they’re about tapping into the power of thought, embracing your unique purpose, and then taking lots of intentional action to step boldly into the future.

As a master coach and mindset mentor specializing in empowering women in business, I’ve seen time and time again how the most brilliant business strategy can crumble under the weight of self-doubt and limiting beliefs.

That’s why I’m here — to help you identify and overcome these mindset blocks so you can build resilience, foster positivity, and harness your intuitive wisdom.

With these tools, you can break free from any self-imposed limitations and step confidently toward your goals.


How do I know? Because I had to learn this for myself.


After reading all the books, hiring coaches and business consultants, and spending NINE years in therapy, I still didn’t have the answers or practical tools to create the life and business I wanted. 

It wasn’t until I discovered NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) that everything finally clicked into place.

NLP is one of the most effective and practical personal and professional development tools out there. I have yet to find one that works better. 

It is focused on understanding how language and thoughts impact behavior and results. 

Using NLP techniques, we can change our perspective, beliefs, and patterns to achieve our goals.

But NLP isn’t just about changing ourselves; it’s also about understanding others better.

By learning more about linguistics and non-verbal communication, we can communicate effectively with those around us, leading to stronger relationships and significantly impacting our personal and professional lives.

I incorporate NLP into my coaching practice, courses, programs, and brain entrainment audios because I’ve experienced firsthand its transformational power in improving the lives of my clients and students. 

NLP  encompasses the most significant components involved in our human experience:

Neurology (Neuro)

The neurological system regulates how the body functions.

Language (Linguistic) 

Language determines how we interact and communicate with ourselves and others.

Conditioning (Programming)

Our programming (conditioning, patterns, beliefs, and values) dictates how we show up in the world.

NLP for Personal Growth, Empowerment, Success, and Wealth

NLP is the study of human excellence, and here, we’re applying it so that you can master your life and show up even more powerfully in your work.


The Blog


Love From My Clients

“The Revolution Program is so much more than I expected it to be. There is a ton of content that is relevant, transformational, and thought-provoking for radical changes within my mindset that are positively affecting every area of my life. Brenda gets to the point challenges you,  shows you the core issue and guides you to the solution. She makes sure you understand before moving on to the next idea. She is extremely thorough and is compassionate and welcoming to everyone.  I love The Money Brain Blueprint, For the Love of Money, Hypnosis, Let it Go Coaching, and Soulful Surrender. Each of these in-depth programs is transformational.  My focus, mindset, attitude, and outlook for myself and my business have shifted after releasing negative beliefs, limiting emotions, and decisions. I feel totally supported in this program. The feeling of being supported gives me the courage to challenge myself as I’m creating success in my business.  Honestly, Revolution is an incredible program. Do it now, you’ll be so glad that you did.


Love From My Clients

“My program experience is great. The 5-day a week connection, coaching, and support have been invaluable. We are a close-knit group, super supportive of each other’s journey. Brenda is an over-giver and ultra-available to help with everything. Learning to release negative emotions and limiting beliefs has been most helpful I now have increased awareness leading to being able to elevate my self-mastery. Momentum Maker and the Masterclasses help grow our mindset and my two favorite parts are the coaching calls and being able to ask Brenda anything. There is a lot of help available. All you have to do is come prepared to do the work.”


Love From My Clients

“I made only $500 in a year when I started my new business. I did everything I could – read dozens of books, bought courses, and nothing made any difference. So I said enough is enough. I swiped my credit card and dove deep with Brenda. She awakened a beautiful place within me that has been there all along but kept hidden. I did everything she said. My years of bad habits went away. I started living in a state of total abundance instead of lack and scarcity. And from $500 in my previous year in business to $100000 in 6 weeks, my whole life turned so quickly I never thought possible. Plus, the side effects of all this — my relationship with my children, fiance, and clients have dramatically changed for good.”


Love From My Clients

“Coaching with Brenda is and has been the BEST thing I have EVER done for myself. She has shown me how to drop the stick I used to beat myself with consistently.  I dropped my baggage!  My path is much lighter now. I have learned to look at past situations with new eyes which in turn has helped me to look at the present with much more understanding instead of judgement. The future has so much more great stuff in store for me, all due to Brenda’s guidance!!  I am looking forward to lifelong learning from Brenda’s program and NLP. Life, here I COME!!”


Love From My Clients

“I love that Revolution is 2 fold, that the work is there to do at your own pace and consume as you can, that there’s always more and new content, and that I can always access pretty much anything I missed so I feel like I’m always in sync and connected even when life gets busy… and I love Momentum Maker Workshops and coaching – they ground me and set me up for success for sooooo many reasons and also it makes me feel truly connected to other like-minded people who are an amazing network of support, positivity & enlightenment… it feels like finding your tribe & is always a reminder that I’m not alone, that I’m understood and I am supported.”


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