brenda terry
brenda terry

How I went from a disempowered, overworked, life-out-of-control small business owner to a woman on a mission to help other women heal, reclaim their power, and create wealth by building businesses and lives they love.

The not-so-glamorous About Page

My family, friends, and clients know that I aim for transparency, so while I really want to impress you, I’m going to do my best to keep this real. I was already told this page is too long, but we’re just gonna go with it. 

In 2016, I left my established, profitable real estate company to open my dream coaching practice. While my company was growing, I was miserable. I was doing what I learned to do but not what I loved nor what I now feel am meant to do. So, I mustered the courage and eventually quit.

Until that point, I was like many other women who put their dreams on the back burner—in my case, for decades. My problem was that I also didn’t believe that dreams came true or that wonderful things could happen to me. 

I worked 16+ hours a day — you know, chasing that dollar— without days off. My body was screaming at me through my jam-packed schedule, insomnia, and three bouts of pneumonia in just two years.

As a result, I cut myself off from joy, inspiration, passion, and creativity. And I didn’t suffer alone because I dragged my family through the entire ordeal.

This was the freedom I’d been looking for, and I couldn’t wait to tell everybody about it so they too could take charge of their lives and experience that relief, ease, joy, and big-ass love for themselves.

Ahhh sweet relief

Everything changed when I became an NLP trainer. By applying what I learned, I healed my deep hurts, released negative emotions, eliminated my core limiting beliefs, and stopped disempowering patterns and behaviors. It was magical.

It was as if I had my head in the sand for years, and when I finally came up gasping for air, I noticed all the resources and opportunities that I didn’t have access to when I was buried in work. I experienced relief for the first time in years, then ease, then joy, then big-ass love… for everyone. The blinders finally came off. 

This was the freedom I’d been looking for, and I couldn’t wait to tell everybody about it so they too could take charge of their lives and experience that relief, ease, joy, and big-ass love for themselves.

Goodbye Brick and Mortar, Hello Online Gurus

In the beginning, I ran my coaching business in the same way I ran my real estate company: face-to-face, live and in-person. This worked for a while. The problem was that I had a big message to share, and sharing it one person at a time wasn’t practical or sustainable. In addition, I was traveling so much to train and coach people across the country that I was missing out on rest and family time… again.

In 2019, I decided to take my in-person coaching and NLP training company online, and lemme tell you; it’s been quite the journey. To say that I was naive when I started is an understatement.

I was so out of touch with how business on the internet works that I thought if I launched a website, people would just come, like in Field of Dreams. Wrong. It was more like the tree that falls in the forest when no one is around to hear. So nobody knew my website existed — except for my clients and my mom (thank you).

brenda terry

I wised up (as much as one can when they don’t know a thing), and bought ALL the courses, signed up for the programs, joined a mastermind group, hired a copywriter, and took branding photos — because I was going ALL IN on this online business thing and I was going to get it off the ground no matter what. My mom calls me stubborn; I call it determination and drive, but I know she’s right. 

I followed the blueprints, implemented the “secret” formulas, created every digital asset, and hired more people to help me. I wholeheartedly believed success was guaranteed. Wrong again.  

I felt cheated and let down by all the pros I grew to admire because it became evident to me that they weren’t sharing everything. It was like I bought a bunch of expensive jigsaw puzzles only to discover there were missing pieces in virtually every single one. These gurus were perhaps sharing the formulas for their success and not necessarily a formula for mine. 

This was when I realized the missing pieces were all mine— my knowledge, my style, my essence, and my why. Learning from these pros was only part of the process. The rest was going to be up to me. I had to find my own success formula — starting with building a solid business foundation for my very own successful online business.

The Accidental Online Business Mentor

I learned as much as I could about building a sustainable online business. I spent time learning about creating digital courses, funnels, evergreen systems, different launch styles, designing high-ticket programs, podcasting, blogging, content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, and so much more. 

During this learning period, I launched Soulful Business Revolution, my hybrid coaching, training, and mentoring program.

Initially, the focus of SBR was on helping business owners cultivate the mindset necessary to grow a thriving 6-figure business. Still, once my SBR clients learned to release their own negative emotions, eliminate their own limiting beliefs, and grow their abundance and prosperity mindsets,  they were excited to create their own online programs. And so, this is where we are now.

The difference between how I learned and what we’re doing is that we start by designing a vision for their business that aligns with their values, passion, and personality, then build a solid foundation that can support their business in growing with them

Ultimately, the work in SBR is about each member cracking the code for her business, not just modeling mine.  

So, now I’m in there teaching the material and bringing experts to help my clients create irresistible offers for their ideal clients and sell them on autopilot so they can serve more people and make money in their sleep. I love this for them!

Business Growth as a Healing Opportunity

Out of the hundreds of business owners I’ve worked with, one thing is obvious: we all bring our perceived limitations into our business, and they directly impact our results.

What you think, what you believe, the words you use — they all affect the quality of your life and success in your business.

Our confidence can easily shrink to zero when faced with spearheading the architecture of our own online ecosystem. It can be like walking around in the dark looking for a light switch in a room full of heavy, pointy furniture — tons of bumps and bruises along the way.

However, the opportunity for your growth healing is in this place as you find your way around.

This unfolds by starting right where you are, learning how to remove the obstacles standing between you and the next step. Then, you take what you learn and make progress until you find more obstacles. Again, you learn what you need to learn to get to the next step, but this time, you have more learnings because of what you learned since the beginning. You continue the process of learning and using your learnings to get to the next step on your success journey. 

What usually happens, though, is that at some point, you’ve learned so much that obstacles become opportunities for growth, and because you know how to learn, momentum takes over. 

Before you know it, the 6-figure business you were after is alive and well, and now you set your eyes on breaking 7-figures or on teaching others what you’ve learned or both.

In the online business world, this process looks like this:

    The entire time, your business and what it demanded from you, helped you quiet your inner critic, relieved you of your need to please, squashed your impostor syndrome, got you over perfectionism and comparisonitis, put your ego on the back burner, and brought your meaning and purpose to the forefront. 

    Finally,  you found your place in the world where you’re serving and prospering, working and resting, and living and loving your business and life. 

    This is essentially my autobiography, and it can be yours too, and I can’t wait to show you how. 

    Are you ready to take the momentum-building action steps to build a profitable online business that you love?

    That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?

    Find out how we can work together here

    A little more about me

    • I wanted to be a mother since I was ten years old.
    • I got my wish because I have two sons, a stepdaughter, and a stepson, and they’re all wonderful human beings.
    • I have a fabulous life partner in Ron, who taught me that I’m lovable even when I’m hangry, and even without makeup or Spanx.  
    • I’m obsessed with all things mindset and believe we each have the power to achieve anything we want.
    • I love scary movies but won’t dare watch them alone. 
    • My favorite shows are Call the Midwife, Ozark, Schitt’s Creek, and The Office.

    The entire time, your business and what it demanded from you, helped you quiet your inner critic, relieved you of your need to please, squashed your impostor syndrome, got you over perfectionism and comparisonitis, put your ego on the back burner, and brought your meaning and purpose to the forefront. 

    Finally,  you found your place in the world where you’re serving and prospering, working and resting, and living and loving your business and life. 

    This is essentially my biography, and it can be yours too, and I can’t wait to show you how. 

    Are you ready to take the momentum-building action steps to build a profitable online business that you love?

    That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?

    Find out how we can work together here

    A little more about me

    • I wanted to be a mother since I was ten years old.
    • I got my wish because I have two sons, a stepdaughter, and a stepson, and they’re all wonderful human beings.
    • I have a fabulous life partner in Ron, who taught me that I’m lovable even when I’m hangry, and even without makeup or Spanx.  
    • I’m obsessed with all things mindset and believe we each have the power to achieve anything we want.
    • I love scary movies but won’t dare watch them alone. 
    • My favorite shows are Call the Midwife, Ozark, Schitt’s Creek, and The Office.
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