






Are you ready to let go of what no longer serves you, reclaim your power, and lead your life from the inside out? 

Give yourself the gift of private coaching in this revolutionary NLP Breakthrough Program.


If you’re dreaming of what’s possible in your business, life, and relationships, I’m here to help you design and actualize the vision for your best life.

The power of private coaching, personalized support, and specific guidance is essential in receiving clarity on your vision, designing a system that works, and finding joy in the experience.

You Can Be Unstoppable

You’ve set your sights on some massive goals.

Maybe you’ve tried different goal-setting methods, visualization, affirmations, or even positive thinking.

And while you’ve seen some success, your results are hit or miss, and when you hit your goals, it isn’t nearly as satisfying as you’d imagined.

Deep down, you know you’re meant for so much more. But what? Maybe you’re not clear on what you want yet, all you know is that this is not it.

If you’re ready for changes that last, NLP Breakthrough Coaching could be exactly what you need.

You Can Be Unstoppable

You’ve set your sights on some massive goals.

Maybe you’ve tried different goal-setting methods, visualization, affirmations, or even positive thinking.

And while you’ve seen some success, your results are hit or miss, and when you hit your goals, it isn’t nearly as satisfying as you’d imagined.

Deep down, you know you’re meant for so much more. But what? Maybe you’re not clear on what you want yet, all you know is that this is not it.

If you’re ready for changes that last, NLP Breakthrough Coaching could be exactly what you need.

No more playing small. It’s time to step up and finally work on your “stuff” to play big.

Imagine that you’re feeling stronger and more powerful.

That fire in your belly is burning brighter than ever!

The time to focus on you is now

Increased awareness leads to increased choice, and increased choice leads to making the best and most empowered decisions to build your most fulfilling, soul-aligned life.

Whether you’re moving past childhood traumas, designing your dream online business, elevating your wealth consciousness, getting your relationship back on track, or overcoming heartbreak, this is your chance to focus on YOU. 

And there’s nothing like masterful coaching to help you create the major shifts you crave.

After breakthrough coaching with me:

  • At the end of each day, you feel like one of the lucky ones.
  • You’re proud of the life you’re building — self-love, success, new opportunities, an abundance of all good things.
  • Business, self-worth, health, and your relationships are all on the up and it feels fantastic!
  • You feel like you finally know yourself. Looking back on where you were just a few months ago, you’ve come so far.
  • Spiritually, you’re more connected and aligned with your purpose — you’re finding those flow moments in everything you do.

Once you learn how we make things happen in our lives — and fail to make others happen, only then will your life truly transform in specific and targeted ways. This is how you take charge of your life.

Increased awareness leads to increased choice, and increased choice leads to making the best and most empowered decisions to build your most fulfilling, soul-aligned life.

Whether you’re moving past childhood traumas, designing your dream online business, elevating your wealth consciousness, getting your relationship back on track, or overcoming heartbreak, this is your chance to focus on YOU with the help of masterful coaching to create the major shifts you crave.

Life during and after breakthrough coaching

  • At the end of each day, you feel like one of the lucky ones.
  • You’re proud of the life you’re building — self-love, success, new opportunities, an abundance of all good things.
  • Business, self-worth, health, and your relationships are all on the up and it feels fantastic!
  • You feel like you finally know yourself. Looking back on where you were just a few months ago, you’ve come so far.
  • Spiritually, you’re more connected and aligned with your purpose — you’re finding those flow moments in everything you do.

Because once you learn how we make things happen in our lives — and fail to make others happen, only then will your life truly transform in specific and targeted ways. This is how you take charge of your life.


Welcome to your transformation.

I’m an NLP master coach trainer who works with women who have mindset blocks and healing to do around success, self-worth, abundance, money, relationships, and anything else that stands in the way of their joy, fulfillment, and wellbeing. 

I’m here to help you feel good about your life, welcome more success and joy, and discover your purpose so that you can finally, really live the life you want.

And I know what I’m talking about because the same tools I coach and teach with led to my whole-life transformation.

Here’s what I’ve learned after working with hundreds of women:

Chances are that regardless of what you believe about yourself, you have everything you need within you RIGHT NOW to create an amazing, beautiful life. 

The question is: Are you willing to do what it takes to make it happen?


I’m an NLP master coach trainer who works with women who have mindset blocks and healing to do around success, self-worth, abundance, money, relationships, and anything else that stands in the way of their joy, fulfillment, and wellbeing. 

I’m here to help you feel good about your life, welcome more success and joy, and discover your purpose so that you can finally, really live the life you want.

And I know what I’m talking about because the same tools I coach and teach with led to my whole-life transformation.

Here’s what I’ve learned after working with hundreds of women:

Chances are that regardless of what you believe about yourself, you have everything you need within you RIGHT NOW to create an amazing, beautiful life. 

The question is: Are you willing to do what it takes to make it happen?


NLP Breakthrough Coaching is dramatically different than conventional coaching.


Even if you’ve tried every program out there, have read every book in the self-help section, and have tried “positive thinking” — this NLP Breakthrough Coaching program is different.

It changed my life and it can completely change yours too.

Using advanced transformation techniques including NLP, Let It Go Coaching ™ Techniques, EFT, hypnosis, and more, we’ll identify and get rid of the beliefs, patterns, and behaviors that no longer serve you.

I’ll help you move through your stuck points and support you in reaching your goals. You’ll feel aligned and whole as you get closer to living your purpose.

Your breakthrough begins on day one and you will experience big shifts within a few days. Then, we’ll focus on creating a self-worth ecosystem and implement it through accountability, support, and action to establish a new empowered life paradigm.



You have the power to create your reality and your future.

… a future full of all the things you crave.


If you’ve experienced coaching in the past, this is different. 

It’s not about you sitting there, drinking from the firehose, requesting permission for every little thing, or throwing you into a process that drags on, leaving you to your own devices.

It’s also not about someone yelling at you, personal trainer style, forcing you to do things — those strategies only work for a short time.

Instead, breakthrough coaching is me sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with you.

You are ready and willing to roll up your sleeves to get comfortable with being uncomfortable for the sake of your greatness.

I’ll be there with you to hold your feet to the fire (in the kindest way possible), ultimately closing the gap between the person you are and the person you are meant to be. I promise it will be mind-blowing, transformative, and fun.

NLP Breakthrough Coaching is for you if:


  • NAnd you’re no stranger to self-improvement and know the importance of constantly working to better yourself.
  • NYou’ve taken workshops, seminars, and training for business and personal development.
  • NYou’ve had your share of light-bulb moments and profound deep insights.
  • NYou know that in order for life to change, you need to change and you’re willing to do what it takes to make it happen.
  • NYou value expert guidance and are open to doing things differently to get better outcomes.
  • NYou need more to get you to your next level of personal growth so that you can grow in your business and live the life you desire.

With breakthrough coaching, you get:

Safe Space

A safe place to unload all the baggage you’ve been lugging around, leaving you feeling light and free to step into your power.

Tailored Advice

Specific, tailored advice to help you discover who you really are and what you want in your heart of hearts for your business and life.

Actionable Plan

Laser focus pointed precisely at your big, bold, audacious dreams to turn them into goals and create actionable plans to achieve them.

Tons of Suport

Personal attention from an NLP and mindset expert as I’m right there beside you, supporting you to stay motivated, keep going. and stay on track.


Private Coaching Level 1

Let It Go Coaching

Level 1 is ideal for releasing negative emotions, including ones about a specific event or relationship causing concern or preventing you from progressing in business or life.

While you will have plenty of breakthroughs with the Level 1 option, Level 1 is not a complete NLP breakthrough; it’s the foundation for all NLP breakthroughs. It will remove obstacles, bring clarity and increase your choices. However, it doesn’t include a blueprint for continued success in specific areas of your life.


6 x 75-90 Minute Sessions
Duration: 3–4 weeks

  • Release Negative Emotions 
  • Release Negative Emotions on 2–3 Significant Relationships
  • Release Negative Emotions on 2–3 Significant Events
  • Eliminate 2–3 Core Limiting Beliefs
  • Goal in the Timeline



  • Soulful NLP Self-Coaching Guide
  • Let it Go Coaching™ Audios
  • Hypnosis Audio Library
  • NLP Goal-Getting Blueprint
  • 2-Months Unlimited Voxer and Email Support

Private Coaching Level 2

3-Month Breakthrough

Level 2 is ideal if you feel stuck, are seeking relief, or want to address one major area of concern. Here, we will delve deeper into thinking and behavior patterns and work with your core belief system. Finally, we’ll complete your program by aligning your personal beliefs and priorities with your desired outcomes using NLP Values Alignment.


12 x 75-90 Minute Sessions
Duration: 12–14 weeks

  • Release Negative Emotions
  • Release Negative Emotions on Significant Relationships
  • Release Negative Emotions on Significant Events
  • Eliminate Core Limiting Beliefs
  • NLP Submodality Techniques
  • NLP Life Values Alignment
  • Goals in the Timeline



  • NLP Sales School Retails for $1,800
  • Soulful NLP Self-Coaching Guide
  • Let it Go Coaching™ Audios
  • Hypnosis Audio Library
  • NLP Goal-Getting Blueprint
  • 4-Months Unlimited Voxer and Email Support

Private Coaching Level 3

6-Month Breakthrough

Level 3 option is ideal if you’re ready to take a deep dive into what makes you you. We’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of your core belief system, addressing whatever is holding you back from achieving goals. We’ll use NLP techniques to unlock greater awareness and create lasting change. This program includes two Values Alignments, one for life values and another for business, health, or relationship values.


24 x 75-90 Minute Sessions
Duration: 24–28 weeks

  • Release Negative Emotions
  • Release Negative Emotions on Significant Relationships
  • Release Negative Emotions on Significant Events
  • Eliminate Limiting Beliefs
  • NLP Submodality Techniques
  • NLP Life Values Alignment
  • NLP Values Alignment 2 [Business, Relationships or Health]
  • Goals in the Timeline



  • NLP Sales School Retails for $1,800
  • 12-Month Access to Any Group Programs I Create
  • Soulful NLP Self-Coaching Guide
  • Let it Go Coaching™ Audios
  • Hypnosis Audio Library
  • NLP Goal-Getting Blueprint
  • 9-Months Unlimited Voxer and Email Support

Here’s what you’ll uncover in our breakthrough sessions: 

  • RLet It Go Coaching™:

Using Let It Go Coaching™ techniques, I’ll help you to let go of negative emotions from the past at an unconscious level. Suppose someone hurt you in the past — a family member, an ex, an old boss, and that situation made you feel deeply hurt and angry. 

With Let It Go™ coaching techniques, it’s possible to go back to the past and remove that emotion from your life’s time line while gathering powerful “learnings” you can use now and in the future. 

Once that emotion is gone, you’ll still remember the event, but it won’t affect you anymore. You’ll learn how to drop emotions from your past that hold you back, like anger, sadness, fear, hurt, and guilt.

Let It Go Coaching™ is restorative, relaxing, and deeply healing. The relief is immediate and enduring.

  • RYour Value System:

Understand how your values unconsciously determine your beliefs and drive your behaviors. We’ll use powerful NLP visual techniques to align your values with your desired outcomes in a way that will support your success.

  • RLifelong Resources:

During your breakthrough, I will teach you how to release your own negative emotions and limiting beliefs using guided audios my clients use and love.  You will also have access to world-class NLP training inside my NLP Sales School program and my Levels of Consciousness Values Training. These resources will serve you for life.

  • REliminate Limiting Beliefs:

You know the ones, “I’m not good enough,” “I’m not worthy,” “I’ll never be happy,” or “I can’t have what I want.” When we tap into your time line using Let It Go Coaching™ techniques and get rid of the stories you’ve been running through your head, you can rewrite a new story — one that supports you on your way to the results you want. 

Eliminating limiting beliefs at an unconscious level changes your life. You become very aware that your life is like a movie and you are the writer, director, cinematographer, and star. You’ll get to decide what beliefs you keep, which ones you eliminate, and which ones to adopt…. This is POWERRRRR

  • RGoals on Fire:

You’ll learn how to set goals in a way that makes them totally achievable and lead to a whole new level of results. You’re going to focus on yourself and your goals to help set you up for a lifetime of success.

  • RMomentum Makers:

Following your initial 6 breakthrough sessions, we’ll continue to hop on zoom two a month for coaching, follow-up, and accountability. We’ll discuss what’s working well, and what needs improvement and we’ll celebrate your big wins for the remainder of your breakthrough period.

You’ll finally have everything you need to live the life you crave!

Love from my clients

“Breakthrough work is truly almost inexplainable, there is nothing I can compare it to.  Working with you in breakthrough work is life-changing.  It is the “longest shortcut” to a better life.  It’s no quick fix but even in a few short months I feel like my life is drastically different and improved in so many ways.  It’s given me trust and confidence in myself and in the future.  It’s allowed me to let go of things I didn’t even realize were so deeply affecting my life.  Without a doubt, this work is worth the time, effort, commitment & “cost” and I already so strongly see the shifts happening in my life and how my perceptions have changed and my ability to manage my state in the moment.  This one-on-one work has given me so much love, support, and guidance.  It’s like finding a true partner and mentor and friend on a path to finding myself, my purpose and passion and I am incredibly grateful.  You have helped me make more progress in a matter of months than I had made in years trying to figure it out on my own.”


Love from my clients

“For me, the most significant breakthrough was getting out of my own way. Self-criticism and limiting thoughts were holding me back. I knew I needed to do the deep work to make a long-lasting change. I was sick of where I was. I was sick of being stuck. I was sick of wasting money on programs that didn’t work. I was really struggling with sales. I hated selling because I had some pretty messed-up experiences in the past. Brenda helped me release those negative emotions and install a new mindset about sales. I got connected to who I’m, what my purpose is, and my voice. Soon I started signing contracts, getting new deals, and even unexpected money showed up in my bank account. Brenda’s work just works.”


Love from my clients

“Brenda’s incredible techniques get results. Before working with Brenda, I never felt I was good enough, and I think I used to repel clients. Just a few months after I started working with Brenda, I did 15 times more sales than the last quarter for my ex-company, and they fired me because they didn’t want to pay all the commissions I made. I launched my own business that did $200000 in a year. In fact, the last 12 years of my sales career were filled with anxiety, fear, and restlessness. Brenda helped me release decades of unworthiness and fear. Now those are things of the past. I feel more certain, joyful, free, and fulfilled. I’m making huge strides toward what I want, and it feels amazing.  Joining Brenda is the best decision I’ve ever made.”


Love from my clients

“Working with Brenda changed my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined. I was angry and in despair. Two days later, the anger was gone and replaced with love, peace of mind, and a knowing that everything I want is within my grasp. I feel freer than I ever have.”


Love from my clients

“My personal breakthrough with Brenda was life shifting. I was almost speechless when we finished. This work marked the start of a life completely under my control and opened up endless possibilities I now believe I have.”


Love from my clients

“Brenda has facilitated an enormous shift in my life and opened me up to a new way of thinking that has brought me greater connection to myself and others, as well as a life of greater joy. Her practical wisdom and knowledge inspired me to finally start my online business.”


Ready to create lasting life-long changes?

Excellent! I can’t wait to show you how.

Here’s how to apply to get started:

Schedule your no-obligation 30-minute consultation to discuss your goals and desires and how I can best help you achieve them. 

When we decide we’re a perfect fit, I’ll email your agreement. Then you’ll make your payment and schedule your individual breakthrough sessions.

Prepare for week 1 of your breakthrough coaching sessions! You’re gonna love it!

Have questions? Email me at 

Ready to create lasting life-long changes?

Excellent! I can’t wait to show you how.

Here’s how to apply to get started:

Schedule your no-obligation 30-minute consultation to discuss your goals and desires and how I can best help you achieve them. 

When we decide we’re a perfect fit, I’ll email your agreement. Then you’ll make your payment and schedule your individual breakthrough sessions.

Prepare for week 1 of your breakthrough coaching sessions! You’re gonna love it!

Have questions? Email me at 

100%, No Questions Asked, Make-It-Happen Guarantee

I guarantee that you WILL get rid of the baggage and dump the beliefs that have plagued you in the past and learn exactly how to achieve your biggest goals by applying the cutting-edge techniques of the world’s top performers. If after you complete 30 days of private coaching and the related tasks, you’re not satisfied with the results, just let me know and I’ll refund your investment. No questions, no awkwardness. Just results.

100%, No Questions Asked, Make-It-Happen Guarantee

I guarantee that you WILL get rid of the baggage and dump the beliefs that have plagued you in the past and learn exactly how to achieve your biggest goals by applying the cutting-edge techniques of the world’s top performers. If after you complete 30 days of private coaching and the related tasks, you’re not satisfied with the results, just let me know and I’ll refund your investment. No questions, no awkwardness. Just results.

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